How to Make Money on the Side - Without a Lot of Work

 If you have ever done an internet search on how to make money, you have found that there are literally millions upon millions of results. Where do you even begin? If you are like me, your current skill-set leaves something to be desired. With raising three children as my full-time job, I do not really have time to put a lot of effort into any other task, other than sleeping.

Bake sales are nice. That, however, take time and effort. My children would eat everything before I could even get it sold.

I do not know about you, but I have no interest in the stock market. First of all, it takes money that I do not have to get started. Then you pay commissions and fees on top of that. After that, you wait patiently for your money to make money. I have no patience. I do not want to wait three or four years to make money off of my hard earned money. I want a return now.

Etsy is for the crafty people. You can sell all types of projects on there. If you are artsy and have the time to spend working on stuff like that, it could be a good option. Again, for me, I have no spare time to work on crafts. I can stitch up a hole in a piece of cloth, but that is the extent of my abilities.

I have attempted the self-employed route. I tried to start a wedding coordinating business. I live in a small town and decided to start up a Facebook page to try to attract customers. I handled one wedding for a friend of mine and that was a project. It was tiresome and difficult. The day itself was not too bad. It was all the planning and coordinating that took place before the wedding that killed me.

Savings accounts are nice if you have the money to save, but the interest rates are so low it does not make any sense to put any small amount of money in there. Cd's are an option too, but again, that takes time that some people just do not have.

If you are anything like me, you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, scraping to get by. Tax refunds are nice, but they only come once a year. Unemployment is not an option because it does not pay half of what it should. Money meant for retirement has been withdrawn or borrowed against, if you are lucky enough that your plan lets you do that.

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