How to Make Money Into More Money - The Top 3 Websites to Invest Into

 Looking at the internet as a source of income, there are 3 top websites to start if you want to know how to make money into more money.

Not all internet ventures work, but if just one of yours stays around long enough, it will eventually attract enough interest to make for a good advertising magnet. You will definitely have to put in a lot of your effort to make it work though, as nothing good comes easily.

You might have heard of a lot of success stories of people who start internet ventures, but it is not as easy as just working on it for one week and then achieving overnight success.

When it comes to internet ventures, the nice thing about it is that you don't need too much by way of start-up capital and you can get something serious up and running, with as little as $100, depending on your own skill level around issues like web development and programming.

Here are the top 3 website to start if you have some money to invest

#1 Information Portal

Information sites are the best for long-term investment because, once they start making money, the amount made each time increases and generally they carry on making money for as long as they are around.

The idea is to have writers contribute material, which you can pay upfront for, after some auditing, or you can contribute material yourself (but you probably don't want to do that if you have money to invest).

Your content must be very informative as this way you will be able to garner some regular readers and followers, and then the money-making trick comes in.

Sign up to paid ads programs, where the adverts will be automatically matched to the contents of your site and you will get paid each time a reader clicks on one of your ads.

This isn't anything new but it has been around so long that it is one of the best ways of making money today, still.

Popular programs such as these include the like of Google's AdSense as well as AdBrite.

#2 SMS Info Services

This is one of the lesser known ways of investing your money but it can really make for some great returns for you.

A lot of people who otherwise wouldn't buy into some opportunities online, are swung by the prospect of being able to pay via text message so this can be a real deal maker for you. Simply adding mobile payments as options to some of your existing or new sales pages can make for so many more sales.

Your info-service can offer anything really and the text message portal offered by some companies of this sort cover the entire globe.

#3 Shopping Site

You can never go wrong with electronic commerce. The more things your site sells the more creditability you have. The best way is to sell digital products however as this way things get much more automated. If you have the resources, add affiliate programs to each digital product you have, so as to have a lot of marketers selling for you.

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