How To Make Money From Home As A Writer

 I decided to start my own freelance writing business when I became fed up with the slow commute back and forth to work, meaning that I often missed out feeding my children their dinner, reading them a story or putting them to bed. So on deciding to leave work, finding out how to make money from home became extremely important for me.

I have always loved to write and so when I started researching and saw that I could work at home and still earn good money, I decided to go for it. As a freelance writer, you can work on a huge variety of different assignments and get paid really well; such as copy writing, which is my preference, as well as writing product reviews, marketing presentations, general data entry, coursework materials and the more exciting projects such as ghost writing, biographies and much more.

So if you really love writing, you should be able to turn that love into a talent where you can actually write about anything. Having the determination to succeed will also help you in this. Therefore, no writing job should be too hard for you, whether you are writing about how to knit, choosing the right pet insurance or how to landscape a garden.

Once you have a portfolio, you can start expanding and looking at other ways to earn money, such as affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you can set up various websites where you write content which markets other people's products and earn money each time you send them traffic that converts.

So, the hardest part as you may have guessed, is actually finding the work but fortunately there are many ways to find good writing projects and the best place to start is online. Personally, I find that there are always businesses out there looking for talented SEO writers and this will not stop any time soon due to the continued expansion of the internet. I always have more offers than I can accept for SEO articles, so you can already see that SEO is a real money earner.

There are a lot of businesses out there who need to have a social media presence in order to market their products and as a writer you could be employed to write their Facebook posts, Twitter feeds and even update their various blogs or their LinkedIn business page. Businesses pay surprisingly well for these updates as they have to be regular.

Do not be disheartened if things start off slower than you thought they would, working out how to make money from home does take time and a lot of hard work but more often than not, hard work pays off in the end so keep at it.

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