A Newbie's Guide On How To Make Money Blogging

 Making money online has become the new way of life for a good number of people today. More and more people are turning to the online platform to enjoy working freedom and to make a decent living in the process. Blogging is one of the areas you can enter into to start making money online. However, it is a process that will take much more than just starting a blog and expecting money to start flowing in. If you are a beginner in blogging, here are tips on how to make money blogging.

1. Design an Attractive User Friendly Blog 

Nothing can be more frustrating than a site that is hard to navigate hence the importance of designing a blog that is easy not just for you but also for every other visitor you receive. It is helpful to focus on website design when starting your blog just to make sure that what you have at the end of the day will be attractive to your visitors and easy to work around. It is the foundation of the blog thus the importance of choosing elements bound to work to your advantage.

2. Add some personal touch to the blog 

This is also important in setting you apart from the rest of the bloggers. Customize the blog so that it is as unique as it possibly can. Blogging platforms such as WordPress give you the benefit of customizing your own blog so it stands out. You will have a beautiful blog without having to spend money on web developers. Consider using headers and logos on the site to improve the look and encourage time spent on the blog.

3. Take the time to learn to write 

The one mistake bloggers make is to write anything that comes to mind. However, the quality of your posts and the content you create will highly determine the kind of traffic your blog attracts. Giving attention to your grammar and sentence structures and having a clear picture of what you are about to say should guide you in proper writing. Introductions and anecdotes should be included and different writing techniques must be evaluated to ensure your content will attract and maintain the attention of your readers.

4. Boost traffic by installing plug-ins 

They are important not just in attracting traffic, but also encouraging their stay and turning old visitors to come time and again. The plug-ins are simple to add on some of the blogging sites and you should have enough and those you feel will do justice to your blog.

5. Take advantage of Google analytics 

It is a useful tool in tracking the website progress. The best thing about this kind of tracking is that you will always know where you need to make changes and what you need to give more attention to depending on the reaction your visitors have towards your posts. Simple changes can go a long way in improving your blog and the results it fetches you hence tracking progress is of importance.

Attracting traffic and maintaining it is the key on how to make money blogging. When you have impressive traffic, you won't have any trouble attracting advertisers and your money will start streaming in.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Omar_Kenawy/2087282

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8940021
